When investing in a riding lawn mower, you want to make sure you’re getting the best bang for your buck. After all, this isn’t some cheap push reel mower from your grandpa’s era – riding mowers are serious business.
But how much do these bad boys set you back nowadays? Maybe you’ve seen some deals that seem too good to be true or prices that would make your wallet weep.
Before you start shopping around, you need to know the range of costs for a riding mower to find one that fits your needs and budget. …
Our Home Weather Station Picks
When you monitor the weather from the comfort of your home, you can ensure that your lawn will remain lush and green. Ideally, a weather station is functional and accurate. While there are many options on the market, we have taken the time to choose the best products for you.
Here are our recommendations:
How to Care for Your Lawn During Extreme Summers
Yard work is never easy, but it gets even more difficult when the temperatures go past 90 degrees. It only becomes bearable once the sun starts to set. The grass can suffer from stress under direct sunlight as well.
You need to give it some extra TLC when it gets extremely hot during the summer.
To make sure ensure that your lawn will be in tiptop shape during the summer season, here are some tips we …
Should You Have a Micro-Clover Lawn?
With more people becoming environmentally conscious, there has been a trend towards low-maintenance and eco-friendly grass lawn alternatives. Clovers have become a popular choice among these people due to their easy maintenance and nitrogen-fixing capability.
Micro-clover is also gaining traction due to its low and slow growth and ability to blend with turfgrass. This is a plant that grows to a height of about four to six inches on average. The …
Perennial Ryegrass vs Tall Fescue: How Do They Compare?
Perennial ryegrass and tall fescue are among the most common cool-season lawn grass types. They both fare well in moderate summers and cold winters. Although they boast many similarities, there are key differences that set them apart.
The better choice for your lawn will ultimately depend on the climate, shade, rainfall, foot traffic, and desired maintenance.
Buyer’s Guide to Fertilizer Spreader
If you want the lawn to bloom with little effort, you might want to fertilize your grass. With a great lawn product, you will soon have strong, thick, and colorful grass.
It is not easy to fertilize the lawn, but there are spreaders that make the process much easier. Here are some of our top picks:
Best Manual or Reel Lawn Mowers from America
Despite the continuous technological advancement in all industries, including power tools, some people still prefer the older models of certain products. This is quite true in lawnmowers. We often get questions about our recommendations for the best reel or manual lawnmowers.
So request granted; here’s the list of our best picks for this category:
ATV or Horse Drawn …
Top Soil pH Tester Kits
Even if you have watered and nourished your plants properly, your efforts will be useless if the soil simply is not in the proper condition.
Soil pH should never be overlooked since it dictates the availability of the nutrients needed by plants. The ideal is a soil pH level of 6.5, although it will still depend on the particular plant species.
If you want to test the pH level of your soil, here …
A Guide to Weed Killer Sprayers and Sprays
Lawn weeds should be extracted as soon as possible since they compete with plants for nutrients, light, and water. On top of that, they foster pests and diseases. You can easily address this problem with the help of a weed-killer sprayer.
However, you might not know which type will be perfect for the situation at hand.
If you are planning to buy one, you should be familiar …
Here Is How You Should Edge Your Lawn
You might have a gorgeous lawn, but its beauty will be hampered by a messy lawn edge. When cut improperly, the lawn will look sloppy no matter what. If this is a problem for you, this article will help you solve the problem in no time at all.
We have outlined the following steps to help you achieve a clean lawn edge:
Mow Your Lawn First
When you mow …